Friday, September 11, 2009

To Fan a Fan

I have a little bit of a shout out to make.

When I originally started this blog, it was solely came with the intention of keeping my good girlfriends laughing. That was my only aim. When we get together we essentially pick situations apart and over analyze and do what girls do best. But with the mandate of the bond of sisterly love at the true heart of why I wrote, the purpose didn't go much further beyond that.

My roommate's mom recently updated her status on facebook -- an account that she really doesn't use all that often and to her surprise -- people actually responded. I believe her actual words were, "I didn't think people would actually read it."

I sit here, amused by my rommate's mother but very much in agreement. When I set out to air my thoughts to the world, I didn't think they would get read. Or that I truly had anything beneficial to say. More or less, I don't but I got an interesting facebook message from one of my facebook friends that took me by surprise.

The person had added me because they had read my blog. I realized that I need to do a little more research before I add randoms on facebook. I had added someone that I didn't know at all. But at the same time, the person had the courage to write me to let me know that they really liked what I had to say. This really was flattering because I truly thought that the only people that would want to hear the verbal diahrea that came out on paper would be people like mom and dad. Ya know, the ones with the camerecorder in the front row at the recital - even if you aren't good at what you are attempting to do but by the very nature that you're trying, they think you're the best for doing so. Those were who I thought read my blog.

So here's to the imaginary, the incognito fans as well as my two known fans out there. You're part of the reason I keep writing. Plus, it's a great stress reliever.

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